AI advertising may repel as well as attract

Jul 1, 2024
Companies hope AI branding makes them look ready for the future, but that leaves opportunities for "human-focused" marketing.
A screen grab from an AI-generated pitch for Toys R Us.
Courtesy Toys R Us

AI could automate over half of banking jobs

Jun 21, 2024
A new report by Citi looks at the financial tasks that will be delegated to AI — and the new ones that will crop up.
One thing AI won’t be as good at as human bankers? Dealing with human customers.
Fly View Productions/Getty Images

What if your deepfake was circulating halfway across the world in China?

Jun 21, 2024
Deepfakes of foreigners have been cropping up more frequently on Chinese social media.
A Chinese social media account showing deepfakes of a foreigner who turns out to be a real person in the U.S.: journalism professor Andrea Gabor.

Why Nvidia reigns supreme in the market for AI chips

Jun 20, 2024
Nvidia has an estimated 75% to 90% of the chip market, and they're well-positioned to keep it that way.
It’s not easy for other chipmakers to compete against one of the richest companies in the world.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Ad spending is climbing, thanks to tireless consumers — and artificial intelligence

Jun 11, 2024
AI promises to improve ad targeting. It can also generate content tailored to individuals.
Artificial intelligence could inform more than 94% of ad spending before the end of the decade, a GroupM report says.
Craig T Fruchtman/Getty Images

Is Apple late to embrace AI or right on time?

Jun 10, 2024
Apple announced new AI integrations for text, email, photos and Siri. It’s also adding ChatGPT capabilities into operating systems.
Apple announced new AI integrations for text, email, photos and Siri on Monday at its annual developers conference.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

How many jobs are being gained or lost due to AI? There are some clues.

Jun 7, 2024
The Bureau of Labor Statistics' monthly survey doesn't track jobs added or subtracted due to AI – at least not yet.
Axel Heimken/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Zoom cashiers may signal a new era of digital offshoring and remote work

May 27, 2024
With advancements in tech and AI, outsourcing looks different now.
Cashiers of the future may actually be taking your order from thousands of miles away.
Miguel Medina/AFP via Getty Images
A screenshot of Google's new AI-generated summary tool — and some radical self-honesty on its shortcomings.

Commerce chief lays out blueprint for chip manufacturing in America

May 10, 2024
The supply chain is being built to reduce U.S. vulnerability and seize opportunities like artificial intelligence, Raimondo says.
Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo discussed chips, China and jobs with Marketplace's Kai Ryssdal in Washington.
Nancy Farghalli/Marketplace